New Year New You

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We offer reusable glass or single use plastic bottles for your juice delivery. We charge a refundable $6 deposit for each glass bottle used in your order.

What’s up with the name?
Say it with us now… [fill-in] or [feel-in]
It’s a play on words associated with the natural phytochemicals produced by plants, like chlorophyll – the process that is responsible for the green color of many plants and algae that helps them pull energy from the sun; or phytosterols a plant derived compound that helps lower LDL “bad” cholesterol. The fruits, vegetables, and seeds we press have rich sources of important phytonutrients that our bodies need to fight infection, dis(ease), and repair and protect our cells. We hope our raw, cold-pressed juice and pumpkin seed milks keep you #Phylnyourbest !